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Therapeutic Approach


My approach is client–centred


I see you as a unique whole person and know that if I really want to make a difference, I need to take into account all aspects of your functioning and wellbeing including physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, relational, creative, financial, practical, environmental, cultural, linguistic and any other aspect that is relevant in understanding YOU. 


I do not use one particular therapy. Instead I will develop an individual, targeted “therapy” or wellbeing prescription aimed at thriving, with you, for you.  


My approach is holistic


I know that to really thrive, everything must work well and be in harmony. Your body, thoughts, feelings, and actions, everything you do and say must support the thriving state. 


Similarly when a disruption occurs in one area, it will affect all the others in some way. Your body may bear the brunt of worrying thoughts or unhealthy coping strategies. Your thinking may be affected if you are tired or not taking good care of your body. 


Being stuck in some emotions like anger, sadness or frustration for long periods can cause disruptions in your nervous system.


WHO estimates that stress accounts for between 75-90% of doctors visits and can be linked to many health conditions including high blood pressure, heart issues,  diabetes, skin conditions, anxiety, depression and inflammatory diseases.  


It makes sense then to assess and support functioning in all areas, while focusing on any issue or problem. 


My view is that there is not just a mind, body, spirit connection where what you think, feel and do impacts on you and what you want to achieve, but that the context in which a problem is occurring, the timing, frequency, and environment it is occurring in, and even knowing when it doesn’t occur, is also important.

So a thorough assessment taking many factors into account that looks at vulnerabilities and strengths is often very useful.

Problems are often actually patterns of thinking, feeling, being or acting, that do not serve us in some way. 


Most problem patterns can be addressed in 3 steps: 


  • observing what is creating and sustaining the problem 

  • interrupting the unhelpful thinking, feeling, physical, spiritual and behavioural pattern

  • creating a new more helpful pattern 


I can help you to understand the ways in which conscious and unconscious patterns may be keeping you stuck 

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"There is no one way
or right way to thrive. We are all unique. 
but there are thriving principles that we can follow to help
us get there 
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Monica adopts a holistic approach to wellness and is always “curious”


She brings this curiosity to facilitate her process of continuous learning - the client thus benefits from new research and techniques 


Unlike some practitioners in the counselling/psychological services field who work only at the ‘individual’ level, Monica has a unique insight around the relationship between the individual and the “system”. Therefore, her solutions/interventions are customised for maximum effectiveness. 


She does not go for simple, linear solutions. Instead, she has a finely developed diversity ‘lens’ and understands the multiple influences that shape the modern human experience. 


I have, as a member of the LGBT community, always experienced Monica to be a sensitive practitioner keenly attuned to issues of gender and sexual diversity, who demonstrates a unique, judgement-free approach and works  “with” couples to affirm their choices and arrive at an optimal solution that enhances their emotional, sexual and romantic wellbeing. 


I HIGHLY recommend Monica as a transformative ‘unconventional’ therapist.  

Olivier 50 – Diversity Consultantl  

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"One incident, positive or negative, does not define a whole life. It is the sum of all life’s experiences, its overall energy and direction that determines whether you have done it justice."

My approach is positive and strengths-based


I believe most problems are solvable if you see them as a kind of stuckness, overwhelm, blockage, or lack of something and you utilize the right resources to deal with them.


I also believe that we all need to be responsible for our own wellbeing.

This means taking some action, doing something different, however small in the direction we want to go, but we can’t do that if we are not response-able, if we don’t feel we have the resources, the time, energy, information or other support we need. 


Sometimes when we are feeling powerless to deal with an issue, we also forget to utilise and call on our innate and unique abilities and strengths, or we may not be acting in alignment with our own values. This may cause us to feel even worse.


I can help you to reconnect and respond from a place of your strengths and values, instead of from a place of fear and unmet needs.  


Inspired by the Chinese symbol for crisis which includes two characters, one for danger and one for opportunity, I am a possibilities thinker who is always looking for the wiggle room, or the AND of a situation, especially when someone is trying to meet two seemingly incompatible needs at the same time, for example trying to choose between the need to "take care" of your elderly parents AND your need to work towards your own life goals.


If you believe the only option is to choose one over the other, you may feel stuck. 

However asking yourself  the following; How can I use my strengths and values in this situation? Is there a way I could meet my need to live my own life and make sure I am also taking care of my elderly parents? gives voice to the ethical dilemma I am experiencing and may help to generate creative options. 


A crisis can also be a traumatic event that feels overwhelming and might even knock you completely off balance. Overwhelm is a really uncomfortable state of not feeling like you have what you need to deal with the problem whether that be a physical, emotional, mental or spiritual resource; time, information, clarity, energy, hope, motivation or resilience. 


As I’ve said to myself a few times in my own life when it feels like the rug has been pulled out from underneath me; 


It might not be the end of the world Monica, but it is the end of the world as you knew it, so it makes sense that this would hurt, a lot, at the moment!  


Any crisis allows for a kind of death and rebirth, paring back the things we take for granted, our expectations, or even the ways in which we are on automatic pilot and this shift allows us look at everything with a fresh eye, maybe a different perspective so that we can consciously choose the things we want to incorporate into our life, perhaps new rituals, people, patterns, and motivation.


I’ve done that a few times, I’ve seen countless people do that and I can help you to do that too. 


Tip; If you are feeling a little wobbly at the moment, you are welcome to borrow my confidence for a little while until you feel more confident. 


My approach is flexible  


I take a collaborative approach to organizing when and how we will work together. Timing, length of sessions, location and method of consultation can all be negotiated.


A mobile service, meeting out in nature, walking, out of hours or at a café are all possibilities depending on location and circumstances.  



My approach is educative 


I include some Psycho-education in most of my work. I want to share with you what I know about how your amazing brain works; that it’s a highly sophisticated pattern making and creating machine, that you don’t have just one brain, but three; a thinking brain, a feeling brain and a survival brain, that you can’t solve a thinking problem with the feeling brain, or a feeling problem with the thinking brain and that you need different strategies, depending on the issue.

Ideally you should have a few in your tool kit, and I can help you find the right ones for you.

In my experience, the more you know about how your brain works and what you can do to help it work more effectively for you, the more confidence you can have in your ability to make sustainable positive changes in your life. Many of my clients tell me that it was something I shared with them from neuroscience that has helped them the most.

Aims for Sustainable Results

My approach aims for sustainable results

I usually work with people for short periods. My aim is to teach you practical tools that you can use to resolve or manage the current situation and continue to use time and time again when other challenges arise. 


Typically I see clients for a minimum of 3-5 sessions; to assess and understand the issue, build rapport and trust, learn and practice skills, review progress and prepare for future issues, with the possibility of review or maintenance follow up sessions. 


However I have worked with some clients for a single session and others with more complex issues for longer. Typically I see people again only if they have a new issue or a transition in their life for example I saw one client after a traumatic death in her family, then again just before she was married, when she was considering becoming a parent and recently when she returned to work. 


It is often these times of transition, that trigger long held insecurities and fears, especially when needs are not being met and past issues have not been fully resolved.  


I can help you to develop your own thriving blueprint 


The more you know yourself; what your needs, fears, triggers, dreams, vulnerabilities and strengths are for example, the better you can deal with what life dishes up, especially during times of uncertainty, change and challenge. 


Having some tools at your disposal that are evidence- based, quick and easy to use and can help you to ground yourself, deal with uncomfortable feelings, or unhelpful thought patterns, manage stress better, regain purpose and meaning, express yourself creatively, turn towards yourself with self-care and compassion, improve your immune system and emotional stability and manage your energy will help to build confidence and resilience. 


I know that developing a thriving blue print has helped many of my clients bounce back quicker when challenges do arise.


We know from neuroscience that it takes some weeks of daily practice to develop a new neural network, in much the same way that we need an exercise program over some weeks to build new muscle.


It also takes the right information, mindset, mood, energy, values and strengths with small, consistent daily actions before we notice a difference, in other words, a whole person approach.


I can help you to develop your own thriving plan, which will include little things that you can do daily, weekly, monthly and even yearly that will keep you on track, that aim you back towards thriving even when you may have temporarily lost your way. 


So, if you need or want to 


  • discuss something personal in a safe, supportive confidential space with someone professional 

  • debrief after something upsetting or traumatic has happened, 

  • vent without being judged or misunderstood 

  • feel heard and validated  

  • have a courageous conversation with someone (discuss something you find difficult or uncomfortable) but you are not sure how to go about it

  • find a way to pause, and ground yourself in all the busyness

  • learn some practical strategies for dealing with stress,  coping with or thriving through a challenging situation 


Or maybe you are not sure exactly  what you want and need, but are ready to deal with a difficult situation 

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Contact me 


I usually work with individuals, because even with relationship issues, personal issues, coping strategies and past patterning can impact on what is going on. 


I want to help you to show up as your best self, using your strengths and values because that is more likely to lead to the positive outcome you want. 




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Because we are all different, I provide a range of options. If you are unsure about what option would best suit your circumstances make sure to ask me in the FREE 30 minute call that I offer to identify goals and expectations, and establish whether I am the right coach or therapist to work with you.


Are you my ideal coaching client?

You are if …

  • you are clear on the goal/s you want to achieve, or the outcome, transformation or results you are after?

  • you are motivated to take action?

  • you have a time frame in which you want to achieve results

  • you are ready and able to invest in your personal growth and you are willing to dedicate time and energy to make this happen.


If so, let’s work together to make it happen.


Coaching Package Options


1. Unblock, Reset, Refocus


This is a foundational package to help you get focused and set clear intentions and gain traction (start to create momentum by taking action and experiencing positive change).



  • Immediate Stress Reducation: as you learn practical tools and techniques to handle stress effectively.

  • Goal Clarity: commit to clear, actionable goals that you can pursue over the 4-week period.

  • Personalised support: via regular check ins that keep you on track and accountable.


Investment 997 AUD


Duration: 1 month



  • 4 weekly one hour coaching sessions, focusing on immediate strategies to manage the impact of stress, life transitions, or to help you deal with uncomfortable feelings or values conflicts.

  • Email/sms support between sessions

  • Review and option to extend


2. Sustainable Transformation Package


This package allows you to continue to build resilience and authentic confidence towards sustainable change, shifting from Survival mode to Thriving. Can be taken after the foundational package or as a stand alone package, depending on your goals and circumstances.



  • Increased ability to monitor and reset your nervous system when it is activated and anticipate and respond in a values aligned way, rather than react automatically to life stressors

  • increased authentic confidence -due to using and benefiting from a range of tools and techniques available in your psychological first aid kit

  • greater life satisfaction and engagement as you gain confidence and energy


Duration: 3 months



12 hours of one on one support which can be used flexibly as you need

Co-creation of a personalised thriving blueprint incorporating physical, emotional, mental and spiritual strategies

Monthly reviews


Investment 2997 AUD


3. Deep Dive -Intensive Package: 5 day challenge

(Subject to availability)


High-impact, short-term engagement that can be taken over 5 consecutive days plus final review

A great option if you are change ready, have clear goals, high motivation and energy.


Concentrated value over a short period leading to sustainable outcomes


Initial 1.5 hours then 4 x 30 mins sessions plus follow up 30 mins in 1 month


Investment 1250 AUD


Fees are payable in advance.

Payment plan option is available.


Traditional Therapy Sessions


If you prefer an hourly rate model of service without any ongoing commitment, and want to connect with an empathic and evidenced -based clinician who can:

  • provide a non-judgmental safe space, to be heard, or to debrief.

  • help you to understand why you might be stuck and learn some practical and effective self -regulation or stress reduction skills to help you get unstuck.

Then these sessions may be a good option for you.


They can be used to:

  • debrief and deal with a new stressful situation

  • get clear on specific transformational goals or priorities, or

  • prepare for a challenging conversation or event,


This is also a good option for people who want check -in or maintenance sessions or want to review progress after a period of time to support sustainable change.


Initial Consultation 1.5 hours 250 AUD 160 USD or 150 EURO


Follow up 60 minute sessions are 180 AUD  120 USD, 110 EURO


Cancellation Policy 


To be fair and to avoid a 50% cancellation fee, please provide a minimum of 24 hours notice to reschedule or cancel your appointment. Thank you.

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