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About Me

About Me

I'm Monica, Welcome to The Unconventional Therapist

I hope you find something of value here


I want to share with you what I have learned so far as a Social Worker, Meditation Teacher and Counsellor about what helps people to THRIVE. 


Most of the people I work with feel stuck in some way: physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually, relationally, creatively, financially or practically. 


They don’t feel they have the resources they need; the time, information, energy, emotional state, clarity, cognitive ability or the motivation to deal with whatever is going on to solve their problem on their own, in a healthy and sustainable way. 


That’s where I come in. That’s what I am passionate about; living life to the full and helping others to do the same, not just to survive, soldier on, push through, cope, or manage a situation, but to thrive, to reach their potential and contribute meaningfully to the world. 


I’ve had an unconventional and rich professional life so far, living and working in Australia and overseas with people from all walks of life and from all backgrounds, including refugees who have escaped war and trauma, Indigenous Australians living in remote areas, people in the mining sector, education, business, aviation and frontline emergency staff. 


I’ve worked in hospitality, aviation, hospitals and medical centres, mining, banking and business and have had clients from all of these areas and more. 


I have seen people at their most vulnerable, after serious trauma and crisis, or facing the ordinary and tough challenges of living; parenting, being in relationships and dealing with life transitions and changes, including loss, grief, conflict, and the stress and anxiety that uncertainty brings. 


What I want for you, is what I want for myself. 


To be seen, heard, valued and understood and to have the information, support, tools and strategies that I need to deal with difficult situations, make good decisions and take action to get the results that I want, that will enable me to reach my potential.


The Unconventional Therapist captures who I am as a person and also the way that I work with my clients. 

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My Approach



Is practical, action and solution-focused and based on my knowledge and skills from a broad and varied work history, life experience, ancient wisdom and evidence-based research. 



I am very comfortable dealing with all forms of diversity and abilities and have had many clients from various cultural, linguistic, social, religious and sexual backgrounds comment about feeling validated and supported by me, without judgment. 


I am inherently optimistic and believe that most human beings want the same thing; to be happy and healthy, and that with the right support, information and action we can thrive through even the most difficult and traumatic experiences. 


I’ve seen it happen, time and time again and the research on post-traumatic growth and resilience confirms it. 


So in what ways am I unconventional?


I offer a personalized therapy for each client as I don’t believe that there is in any one-size fits all approach that works to relieve human suffering. 


I know for sure that 


-even the strongest person can feel vulnerable and overwhelmed at times 

-each person is different and has a unique set of strengths, vulnerabilities, energy, needs, fears, coping strategies and dreams that can be utilized in finding a unique solution 

-most emotional problems are actually created and sustained by certain automatic patterns of thinking, feeling and behaving, and that by changing something in each of those areas you can create new patterns and therefore new helpful or more positive and life affirming emotional states.

-the research is clear; that what helps you to thrive also increases happiness, resilience and wellbeing, including boosting the immune system, reducing stress and improving mood and energy. 


So let me work with you, to develop a unique practical plan to address your particular issue or problem that takes into all account all aspects of your functioning and wellbeing including physical, emotional, mental and spiritual, so that you can create new, sustainable positive changes in your life. 

My Approach

Am I the right person to work with you?




If you feel stuck in some way, you want to do something about it, And you are willing to take some action and try something different  

(I usually give people homework! small achievable tasks that don’t require extra time or at most just a few minutes each day)

When talking about the problem hasn’t made the difference you wanted 

When your usual coping strategies are not working or are causing you other problems 

When you are struggling to find time or energy to deal with what is going on 

When you feel stressed or anxious about something 

And it’s affecting your sleep, energy, mood, motivation, relationships or ability to function

When you don’t really feel like yourself 

Or someone you trust is worried about you

Or you are struggling to remember what your strengths are or are not using them  

When part of you wants to do one thing, and part of you wants to do another 

When what’s on the inside doesn’t match what’s on the outside 

When you are stuck in or overwhelmed by particular feelings, especially blame, shame, criticism, guilt, resentment or disappointment in yourself or others and are finding it difficult to connect with feelings like joy, freedom, peace, stillness, love or gratitude  


Call me for a free, confidential, no obligation 20 minute consultation to decide. 


My goal is to help you to


  • Connect or reconnect with yourself, your purpose, passion, creativity, strengths and values, and with other people including family, friends and colleagues in a positive way  


  • Be Inspired to stretch out of your comfort zone to change any unhealthy physical, emotional, mental and spiritual patterns that are keeping you stuck, and try simple new things that will help you to thrive not just survive 


  • Transform your life in a positive way

Am I the right person for you?

My Qualifications  


I graduated from the University of Western Australia with a Bachelor of Social Work, and since then I’ve been constantly learning and studying, curious about everything that neuroscience, psychology and health research is discovering about what helps us to deal with stress, harness the body’s innate healing ability, achieve post traumatic growth and thrive.


I am a member of the AASW and adhere to their code of ethics with core values of respect, social justice and professional integrity and also to my own of providing culturally competent, safe and sensitive practice that treats each client as the unique human being that they are, taking into account their inherent strengths and vulnerabilities. 


Who am I outside of my work role?  


When I am not working, writing, researching, or doing my meditation and qigong practice, I am out in nature, catching up with friends, sitting in a café, dancing or planning my sea change or next travel adventure 

My Qualifications
ony sunflower in field - About
"Thriving is not necessarily a destination, although it can be.  It is a lifelong commitment to being as happy and healthy as you can be." 



More information


Feel free to skip this personal information. I share this only because I want you to know who I am and what we might have in common, so you can decide whether I will be a good fit for you as a therapist.  After all, you are trusting me when you feel vulnerable.


I am generally an energetic, creative, positive person who is curious and passionate about making the most out of this amazing gift called life. 


I was raised biculturally and English was not my first language.  The eldest of five children, I was a curious, sensitive child who became a very headstrong young teen. At nineteen, I met a man my parents did not approve of and eloped with him. I eventually met and married the person who was my best friend and the love of my life for the many years that we were married. Five years after that ended I fell in love again. Although I learned a lot and am very grateful for so many aspects of that experience, it was also a difficult and complicated relationship which took a toll on my wellbeing.


I am currently happily single, although I believe in the possibility of, and would welcome a committed thriving romantic relationship.


I haven’t always thrived. And occasionally I still don’t. I know what it’s like to feel alone, lost and confused. I’ve experienced betrayal, rejection and have felt unlovable. I know the despair that shame brings, the frustration and disappointment of unmet needs and expectations, and the powerlessness when things go wrong or are out of my control.


Like most of you, I’ve dealt with some hard stuff in my life; infertility, the death of people I love, the breakdown of my marriage, being bullied in a workplace and being publically vilified without legal recourse. 


I’ve made some bad investments, trusted the wrong people, experienced corruption, had financial worries and even struggled to find work. 


That said, I’m really good in a crisis and very good at bouncing back when things go wrong.


It has taken time, energy, intention, inner work, and the support of a few close people, but I have managed to integrate all of these experiences into my life. 


I have people in my life that I love and that I know love me. I feel privileged to do something I am good at and enjoy, and count my many blessings every day.


One of the many things that I have learned from being a traveller, often for long periods on my own, is that I will get lost sometimes and when I do, I trust that I will find my way back again, and invariably, so far, I have. 


I credit my daily thriving practice, developed over many years that includes meditation and mindfulness, gratitude, breathing, qigong and values alignment practices as having greatly contributed to my resilience and attitude to life. 


It is usually in nature that I ask and get answers to important questions, because it is her moods, beauty and seasons that the answers to most of life's mysteries reside.


My strongest values are freedom, connection and gratitude. I struggle when I think things are unfair. 


The times that I have felt really good about myself, have been those when I’ve showed up as my best self, no matter how hard things have been and especially when I have made a positive difference in someone’s life. 


That feeling is pure gold for me. That is what I am hoping to achieve via this website. 


Far too many people have told me of disappointing experiences with therapists who they have seen, sometimes on an ongoing basis and yet they still feel stuck in unhelpful coping strategies or are still being triggered by the same unresolved past issues. 


I am motivated for you to have a different experience with me, because I know that the longer a problem goes on, the more your confidence and hope for a solution will diminish. 


So I want to work with you, if you are ready and willing to solve your problem, AND you feel stuck in some way.


I want to help you to thrive, not just survive, so that you can be the happiest and healthiest that you can be, regardless of what is going around you. 


How will I do that? 


By understanding what is important to you, what your needs, fears, values and strengths are and then working with you to come up with a thriving plan. 


I see my relationship with you as a partnership based on respect, trust, collaboration and a shared humanity. 


I have some testimonials throughout the site. Although some details have been changed to protect privacy; they are all genuine. They will give you a sense of what it is like to work with me. 


If you have any further questions I offer a free 20 minute initial chat, or if you prefer you can email me. I’m looking forward to meeting you and working with you to help you achieve your goals. 


(I can work with clients all over the world using Skype, Zoom or Whats app) 

More Infomation
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