Special Interests
I am a stress, trauma and transition specialist
In my experience most of us get stuck during times of stress, change or uncertainty or where something unexpected or traumatic happens. In many cases, we just don’t feel that we have the time, energy or resources to deal with what is going on, so we give up or soldier on without direction. If you are dealing with the impact of something that has happened now, or something from the past that is unresolved in some way or there is something in the future that you are worried about, I may be able to help. The following is a list of some areas I am particularly experienced and interested in. Contact me to discuss what your particular circumstances are and how I might be able to help.
needing help to speak up for yourself or someone else who is vulnerable
accessing information about support or legal rights
related to uncertainty, change or trauma
Caring responsibilities
dealing with the emotional and practical impact of caring for someone; a parent, child, partner or person with special needs
confusion about options or where to get help
self care issues
balancing caring responsibilities with other responsibilities
Energy Issues
Lack of energy or scattered energy
Lack of mental focus
Lack of balance, not feeling grounded
Struggling to complete a never ending to do list
Relationship Issues
conflict or distress related to lack of intimacy and connection in a romantic relationship, different goals and dreams, different ways of showing love and having needs met, feeling emotionally or physically unsafe, infidelity or trust issues
conflict or issues with family members, friends, colleagues or others
lack of confidence, or ability to speak up, difficulty maintaining relationships, lack of self love, care or compassion
Life transitions
including entering and exiting relationships, preparing for new relationships, infertility and parenting issues and options, age related issues, leaving paid employment
inability to deal with, move on, get over or let go of something in the past
Emotional issues
feeling stuck in certain feelings/emotions like blame, shame, anger, sadness, criticism, guilt, resentment or disappointment that can block other feelings or emotions like joy, love, gratitude, inner peace and equanimity
Stress and overwhelm
pain or tension in the body, unable to switch off thoughts or relax, lack of physical self care (exercise, hydration, healthy eating) sleep issues, digestive issues, mood and emotional issues or instability, feeling depressed, irritable, sad, lacking energy or motivation
Identity Issues
Feeling like you don’t belong or are not accepted for who you are
Hiding a part of yourself because you fear rejection or have been rejected in the past
Loss and Grief issues
dealing with death, disability, illness, accident, loss of relationship, work, financial stability, country or culture, religious, spiritual or value conflict
Loss of identity, dream, person or pet
Complicated loss and grief issues
Decision making challenges
uncertainty about what to do or torn between different options or courses of action
Needing clarity to make a good decision
Dealing with unhelpful coping strategies
addictive behaviours like gambling, eating issues, overwork, alcohol and other drugs, ruminating, emotional outburst or withdrawal, especially where these coping strategies are unhelpful, impact negatively on functioning or contribute to relationship issues
Spiritual Issues
lacking purpose and life direction
unsure of your strengths, not utilising your strengths
unsure of how to express yourself creatively, unable to express yourself creatively
not contributing your unique gifts to the world in some way
existential angst
dealing with value conflicts where part of you wants to do one thing and part of you wants to do another
Thinking styles
stuck in unhelpful thinking styles like catastrophising, ruminating, jumping to conclusions, either/or thinking, focusing on what you don’t want, labelling, shoulding, listening only to your inner critic or memory issues
Trauma Impact
dealing with any unresolved issues post trauma either recent or longstanding, including inability to move on, forgive, process or deal with feelings of overwhelm or emotional distress, recurring thoughts, images or bodily sensations, especially those impacting on function, relationships or enjoyment of life
impact of disability, accident, or other unexpected, unwelcome event

Thank You for the counselling you provided me in a period of my life when I was going through grief from the loss of my dear mum and dealing with a very challenging work role. I felt safe to share my life stories, the tears, the laughs and use the mental keys you provided as part of the healing process to deal with the sadness and feelings of being overwhelmed.
You are a unique professional in your field.
Paddy C - Mining Professional