There was a time when I thought I just had to push through, persist, soldier on, and use willpower to survive, a bit like this person trying to push over a mountain, but after working with thousands of clients and looking at what research from Neuroscience, Psychology, Health and ancient wisdom tells us, I now know how to help others and myself get UNSTUCK any time I find myself not feeling or acting as my best self. I can more quickly and easily return to feeling calm, more in control, more authentically confident, energetic and hopeful, even when something unexpected and challenging happens, and I can help you to do the same.
GETTING UNSTUCK is as simple as:
- understanding what creates and sustains your unhelpful, unconscious patterns of thinking, feeling and behaving
- interrupting that pattern, and
- creating a new pattern.
My new eBook When Willpower is Not Enough; Practical Strategies to Thrive through Stress, Life Transitions or Unresolved Past Trauma, explains how.
Heres what a colleague had to say:
"When willpower is not enough” is the culmination of years of research into the factors that contribute to psychological wellbeing and thriving. In this book, Monica presents a thoroughly researched resource and a wealth of useful, practical strategies to overcome stuck points and move through loss, trauma and crises in order to thrive and live a meaningful life consistent with our values. The sections on blocks to thriving, thriving super strengths and ways of creating our personal blueprint to thriving and specific strategies for each area to be addressed are particularly relevant tools.
FB Psychologist